Saturday, September 29, 2007

Week 5 - Thing 10 - "My Meez"

Well, as you can see from the post below, I somehow actually managed to get my "meez" posted to my blog, but a)I have no idea which of the couple of things I tried actually worked! and b)when I tried to edit the post to add this text, I couldn't figure out how to do it, so this is now a separate blog entry! I tried some sort of chalkboard, and also a "My Little Pony" generator, both of which I was able to do, but then could not figure out how to add to my blog, so when DK suggested "Meez" I thought I would give that a try! It was fun, and I might go back to play around with it again!

At any rate, I am at home, not at work, right now, and am not sure what all else this week's "assignments" entail, so I guess I will come back to this later. I was just frustrated because I couldn't get my "meez" to post at the library yesterday, and decided to give it another shot! Go me! (although I still don't know how I did it - I may try another one later just to see if I can retrace my steps!). At any rate, all for now!

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