Friday, October 12, 2007

Week 8 - Thing 19 Web 2.0 Awards

I chose to look at the Travel category, since I am leaving for Victoria, BC tomorrow! I was already familiar with Kayak, thanks to my Mom, and Farecaster sounded like mostly travel pricing and booking information, so I decided to try Real Travel. On the site, I searched for Victoria, and found what you would expect - hotel, restaurant, and attraction information. Thanks to 23 Things, I noticed a Blogs category, which I did look at --- this was significant because before we started this "journey", I would have dismissed them as something which had nothing to do with me! There were so many pages of them that I decided to try a link to, where I was able to request that a BC-escapes E-guide be sent to my email - nice, since I left it a bit too late to be able to receive a hard copy by mail! I also checked out some more blogs on that site, although there were so many that I barely scratched the surface. I tried searching for something specific within the Blogs on that site, but was not successful - maybe I was doing it wrong, or maybe it just wasn't there - who knows! Anyway, I am off to Victoria tomorrow morning (EARLY!) - hooray!

Oh, yes - I could possibly see using this site in the library as a place to point customers who wanted up-to-date information about a travel destination - particularly if it was near the end of the year and we did not have the newest editions of the travel guides yet.

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