Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Week 9 - Thing 20 - YouTube

YouTube is an interesting concept. I looked at old TV commercials - Kool-aid, to be exact, which was fun. Library Dominoes was disappointing - I don't know what I expected, but that wasn't it! I also looked at the Categories section, and chose "How to Teach Your Dog to Shake Hands". It appeared to actually be some sort of commercial for doggie treats, but it did show you how to teach the trick, so even though what you may find on YouTube may or may not be accurate - much can be done with PhotoShop, etc. - it could be useful for some things.

All in all, though, I found it to be another one of those places where you could waste a LOT of time, which most people really don't need, as they have too much to do as it is!

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